
How to Prove Negligence in a Personal Injury Case

Certain personal injury cases in NSW requiring the proving of negligence. Negligence is a principle originally established in common law and now modified and enshrined in state and territory legislation across Australia. Although the legal definition of negligence...

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Reasonable Excuse

What is a 'reasonable excuse'? A ‘reasonable excuse’ is a reason, stated in the Workers Compensation Guidelines (the Guidelines), for the insurer to not commence provisional weekly payments within seven days of receiving the initial notification of injury. Reasonable...

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Provisional Liability

Once the insurer has received an initial notification of an injury, it must start provisional weekly payments within seven days unless it has a reasonable excuse not to. What does provisional liability cover? The insurer may make provisional payments before it...

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Psychological Injury

There is an increasing trend of workers sustaining a psychological injury and not knowing what to do about it. Some work places result in workers being regularly faced with bullying, mismanagement or highly stressful and volatile situations which over time, becomes...

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I was injured at work, what should I do next?

If you have sustained a workplace injury or illness follow these steps: Notify your employer about your injury as soon as you can and make sure they record the incident in their register of injuries. Make sure you see your Doctor as soon as you can after your injury...

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The dos and don’ts of workers compensation claims

It is important to know the “Do’s and Don’ts” of trying to claim compensation for workplace injuries. People tend to believe claiming compensation for workplace injuries is an easy process, however there are stringent time restrictions you have to comply with and you...

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