Dust Diseases
Dust Diseases Claims
Dust diseases are a group of lung illnesses, which include pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and asbestosis and are caused by inhaling asbestos powder or dust particles.
Dust diseases also include Silicosis, which is caused by inhaling silica powder or dust particles.
Dust diseases are most often contracted in work environments where workers are exposed to, or handle products and materials containing dusts such as asbestos. Often times the workers may not have handled the asbestos themselves, but may have been in the vicinity of those working with and causing dust to generate in the work environment. Dust diseases can also occur from handling clothing that contains dust filled fibres, such as someone washing a family member’s dust filled clothing at the end of their work day.
Many asbestos dust disease related diagnosis occur twenty (20) or more years after exposure. If you have been diagnosed with a dust related illness you may still be eligible to bring a claim, even when the company no longer exists. There are strict time frames for bringing a claim and if you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related condition you must seek legal advice quickly to obtain tailored advice and to protect any claims available to you and your family.
Types of Claims
Due to the fact that dust related diseases are contracted at work, New South Wales has established specialised bodies and laws to assist in the expeditious determination of these types of claims: the Dust Diseases Authority and The Dust Diseases Tribunal.
1. Dust Diseases Authority
The Dust Diseases Authority of NSW (DDA) may provide compensation to workers who were exposed to asbestos dust and fibre during the course of employment in NSW and have contracted a dust disease prescribed by the Act.
2. Dust Disease Tribunal
The Dust Disease Tribunal (DDT) is a Court that was established to hear and decide common law asbestos and other dust related claims. Claims in the DDT focus on the negligence of the employer and the claim is calculated considering your pain and suffering, your reduced life expectancy and the amount of care required to be provided to you.
As a specialist Tribunal, when required, the Tribunal is able to deal with matters urgently in order to ensure that your rights and entitlements are protected and that you are given an opportunity to be fairly presented to the Tribunal.
Making a Claim
If you are affected by a dust disease, I can help you to quickly determine whether you are eligible to bring a claim. If you are eligible to bring a claim I will assist you to navigate the claims process to ensure that you receive the individual advice for your specific circumstances, that your rights are protected and that maximum compensation payments are received as quickly as possible.
I also understand that during this time you may not be able to travel and I offer home and hospital visits.
Legal Fees: “No Win, No Fee”
I operate a fully funded “No Win, No Fee” system. In other words, unless you are successful in prosecuting your claim you will not be charged any costs and disbursements by me. You can rest assured that you will not pay any money at all during the claim. Only at the successful conclusion of your matter will you be charged legal fees.
If you were injured at work due to exposure to dust, contact rita@rplawyer.com.au or call 0404 09 33 74 for a no-obligation discussion and for expert legal advice.