Regional Lawyers
Help for Regional Lawyers
Separately to assisting the injured in regional NSW I also provide a service where I assist regional law firms with their current personal injury claims.
It may be that you and your team need assistance to implement processes and systems to help streamline your matters.
You may have had a major change in staffing and require your current staff to be assisted and get matters back on track.
It may be that with such a busy practice, spanning multiple areas of law, you are not quite up to date with the latest changes and your personal injury practice could do with an external review and matter planning to progress matters through to a successful completion.
It may just be that you need another set of hands to get your matters through a bottleneck.
I can assist your firm on a short term one off basis, or an going consultancy basis.
Contact me for an obligation free discussion as to whether I can assist you and whether we are a good fit.